Sunday, December 17, 2017


Its dreary today and so is my mood.
Mom had a fall in the bathroom three days ago and hasn't 
fully bounced back.  She has good days and bad days but
usually everything is righted by more water and juice intake.
Not the case this time...not so far.
She's spending a lot of time in her wheel chair
because these bad days come with a heighten unsteadiness
and she's much more prone to fall.
I didn't see the fall but it scared me.
She was flat on her back and would not respond to my questions.
I screamed for Dad, as usual he didn't have his hearing aids in
so I had to SCREAM again and SCREAM again.
Finally he was at my side, It was his idea to put a cool cloth on her
face and a towel under her head.  I was thinking do we need to call 911.  While she was on the floor I got the wheel chair and Dad 
managed to get her into a sitting position.

Minutes later she was able to aid us in getting her up
and into her chair. I quizzed her on hurting anywhere but she said no.  She had some water, juice and her normal breakfast.
Still she seemed a little more out of it and unsteady,
but in no real pain.
I know these falls are going to happen and you try not to beat
yourself up for not being right there...
but its hard.

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